Out of the night where hope had died,
to tomb once sealed, now gaping wide,
the Magdalene made haste, to mourn
and bring her spices through the dawn.
She gazed in disbelief and pain
where Jesus in his death had lain,
until the radiant angel said,
Seek not the living with the dead.
Soon trusting love cast out her fears;
she rose and brushed away her tears.
As first apostle, Mary ran
to tell God’s resurrection plan.
Jesus is risen! Mary cries,
Lift up your hearts and dry your eyes,
Jesus is risen–come and see–
and goes before to Galilee.
All glory be to God above,
for Mary’s apostolic love,
all praise to God whom we adore
for ever and for evermore. Amen.
From The Saint Helena Breviary, Church Publishing 2006
Matins of St Mary Magdalene
Tune 8888
A second hymn for the feast of St Mary Magdalene
A tune for this second hymn
More on Mary Magdalene
And a possible connection to the Fourth Gospel
Start a new rumor about her based on that painting. She spiked someone’s drink!
I can foresee a whole new series of caption competitions, David, based on paintings! Blessings.