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Search Results for: evolution

Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 6 – The Gathering of the Community

The people and presiding priest gather in the Lord’s name The objective of the Gathering of the Community, as this title suggests, is to gather those assembled into a community. This prepares them to hear what the Spirit is saying in the Proclamation, and to celebrate the Eucharist. The Gathering in A New Zealand Prayer

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Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 6 – The Gathering of the Community
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Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 4 – The Worship Environment

As a community renews its understanding of baptism, of all having a ministry because of their baptism, and of the Eucharist as the community meal of all the baptised (including infants and children), then such a community usually finds that it needs to reorder the liturgical space which it has inherited. Baptism is now normally

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Celebrating Eucharist
Chapter 4 – The Worship Environment
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Short version: Coincidentally, in my last couple of sermons, I have been including reflections about “belief”. Please, pretty please (with a cherry on top!) do not use “belief” to mean merely “I accept this to be correct”. Do not use “belief” as in “I believe that the planet Pluto exists” – say: “I accept that

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