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Search Results for: evolution


The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Misinformation and Confusion?

I have seen the image (left) more than once on facebook. It is, of course, absolute nonsense – misinformation from The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (Official) [sic] facebook page. It has had 68,834 shares by people who uncritically follow a page that describes its mission as, “to support…critical thinking and evidence-based understanding…”

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ichthus - fish


ΙΧΘΥΣ is Greek for fish. It is an acronym for Ίησοῦς Jesus Χριστός Christ Θεοῦ God’s Υἱός Son Σωτήρ Saviour (Iēsous Christos, Theou Huios, Sōtēr) The letters can be combined to form a spoked wheel, as in this image at Ephesus: In the days that Christianity was illegal, and you wanted to check if someone

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The Archbishop of Canterburty and the Pope

Archbishop of Canterbury addresses Synod of Bishops

The Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the Synod of Bishops in Rome, fifty years after the opening of the Second Vatican Council. He connected contemplation and evangelisation. This comes synchronously as we, here, urge worship, liturgy, the contemplative life to be seen more explicitly centrally to our life and mission as church (also see here). …To

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creating postmodern people

The English curriculum is a clear instance of the approach under-girding the new New Zealand Curriculum: “In English, there are two strands: ‘making meaning’ and ‘creating meaning’.” Did you notice there is no strand “discovering meaning… understanding meaning…”? You can hear echoes of “The Death of the Author” approach. In “The Death of the Author”

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God particle

…Let’s just take a moment’s break from speaking about spirituality, especially spirituality and science. So, it looks like the God Particle has been shown to exist. The Higgs Boson, yes. Nothing to do with God, of course – don’t take that literally. [Nobel Prize-winning physicist] Leon Lederman called it the God particle. It talks to

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