The search for the term “liturgy” on Google (top line) in the last six years has approximately halved. Online news about “liturgy” (bottom line) has grown a little in the same period:

The search for the term “worship” on Google (top line) in the last six years has approximately halved. Online news about “worship” (bottom line) has grown a significantly in the same period:

Use this free online tool to compare other search terms – put a comma between terms you seek to compare. Any ideas why such changes in the search for “liturgy” and “worship”?
Visitor numbers to this site have been increasing or steady. I think that is also due to the site expanding onto twitter and facebook:

Your thoughts?
Perhaps, it is a matter of moving from passivity to activity. Perhaps, people have completed their research phase and are now “doing it,” and so making news.
google is changing the algorithm for the results all the time which also reflects in the popularity. Let’s hope it’s just that…
Could be that people looking for, eg, worship, have found the resources they need – like your site – and no longer need to google the term.
Thanks Frugal Dougal!!!
Yes – that explains it.
If you invert the Liturgy website graph and scale it carefully it exactly matches the other two graphs. Almost. 🙂
Why continue searching once one has found?
Why didn’t I think of that!
I tried my theory that other faith-related terms would result in different results, but came up with a dip in anything I could think of. I don’t know what the results mean, although maybe local resources now provide so much local content that people are not using search engines as much to locate them.