Let us pray (in silence) [that we may follow the Good Shepherd]
O God,
you shine the light of your truth
so that any who stray into error
may be able to return to the right path,
grant that all who profess the Christian faith
may reject whatever is contrary to the name of Christ
and eagerly follow the way that leads to you;
through Jesus Christ
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This prayer is used by Roman Catholics (on this coming Sunday), and is in the Sarum Missal, and is used in the Church of England; and in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia – but on other Sundays.
Click on this link to find my history, commentary, and reflection on this collect: Ordinary 15.
I intend this collect to be added to my Book of Prayers in Common. I am considering that it could be in that book for both Easter 4 and Ordinary Sunday 15, and would be interested in any argument against using a good collect twice in a year.
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Further resources:
Resourcing Preaching Down Under
image source for Jesus Mafa The parable of the sower