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Two Sources of Authority There is an apologetics oversimplification which gives the (straw-man) impression that alongside the written words of the scriptures, the apostles verbally told the bishops they ordained supplementary material which each bishop has passed on verbally to the next bishops they ordained in an unbroken chain of oral tradition. This is obviously

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Ordinary 11

Let us pray (in silence) [that we grow in unity with God – the source of all good] pause O God,the strength of all who hope in you,mercifully accept our prayers,and, because through the weakness of our mortal naturewe can do nothing without you,grant us the help of your grace,that in following your commandswe may

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Ordinary 11 Read More »

Empty Church

End of the Anglican Church (part 2)?

Doing the social-media rounds is the recent Guardian editorial on disappearing Christianity: suppose it’s gone for ever? It reflects on the British Social Attitudes data and says, The study also shows that Christianity is extremely bad at either making converts or retaining cradle believers. The two big denominations, the Catholics and the Church of England,

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End of the Anglican Church (part 2)? Read More »