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The Letter to the Galatians

The Letter to the Galatians

The Letter to the Galatians

Internationally and ecumenically we are reading together through St Paul’s letter to the Galatians.

What resources do you find useful?
What ideas do you have for working our way through this text? What ideas do you have for worship around this text? Hymns? Songs? Video clips? Maps? Stories? Any ideas and resources at all?

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9 thoughts on “The Letter to the Galatians”

  1. would love to know what others are using have become fascinated with Galatians. Am in my second week now have used what I had on hand and also Tom Wrights book Paul for Everyone. Would love to know other great resources to use as well. Thanks

  2. There are a few sites that list hymns inspired by or related to scripture. Here’s one of those that sort some hymns by chapter & verse in Galatians

  3. Christine Allan-Johns

    Hi Bosco, I decided to go with the Elijah story over the last few weeks. You would think the lectionary could at least have the story as a continuing sequence rather than jumping all around the story!!!

    1. Great question, Christine. Let’s try and find out any ideas why that is so. First one to find out put the answer here.

      So the question is, for others reading here, why in the Revised Common Lectionary is 1 Kings 17:8-16, (17-24) read in the week after 1 Kings 18:20-21, (22-29), 30-39 rather than the other way around as semi-continuous reading of this story would normally lead to? [My suspicion is that the revisers of the lectionary found the connection of the 1 Kings 17:8-16, (17-24) story so connected to the Gospel reading Luke 7:11-17 that they found that connection stronger than their principle of semi-continuous reading…]


      UPDATE: two responses immediately said this similarly here and here.

  4. Mark Aitchison

    I was recently reading the book,

    Short Meditations on the Bible and Peanuts

    that you mentioned in http://liturgy.co.nz/snoopy-theology/8645 and noticed helpful relections on Galatians towards the end of chapter 18, on freedom, and what really counts (Gal 5:6). I like Robert Short’s book a lot, and appreciate the theology of Carles Schulz a lot more because of it… and I feel I got more out of it than Craig Keener’s 830+ page Bible Background Commentary!

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