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Bosco Peters
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Bosco Peters
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Bosco Peters
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Bosco Peters
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LOLL !!!! u got me there! LOLLLLL !
Yuck, yuck, yuck! Good pun.
Love it!
Well, you might have told us which orders they were when you were at it! I recognise the Franciscans, but that is all.
Sorry, Annabel. No Franciscans there – which did you think were the Franciscans? They are pretty straightforward for habit spotters, and I had put all the sources at the end of the post (as I normally do) for people like you who want to check. Blessings.
I see what you did there!
Don’t kick the habit!
Thanks for the scoop, Bosco.
Who knew that the actor Robin Williams had become a Norbertine monk?
well, one never knows what we are going to find here, Thanks for introducing me to the gorgeous? or whatever website of the Black Cordelias and bringing back memories of Brideshead Revisited.
o.k., got me there, all right. Tho i never realized before that the order of st. andrew so resembled that of the Dominicans …
WOW! Fantastic! I laughed for a whole minute, after I got it. Also, I love your other posts on N.T. Wright. Thanks for your blog. Nice to see humor and theology united.
Thanks for the encouragement, Dave. Blessings.