This is actually a well-done viral advertisement for the EA Dante’s Inferno game.
The video is a bit of a laugh for Christians with a sense of humour (sorry: humor).

This is actually a well-done viral advertisement for the EA Dante’s Inferno game.
The video is a bit of a laugh for Christians with a sense of humour (sorry: humor).
Love it! Thanks for posting the video, now here’s one for you from the Reflectionary…
yep – I had someone on twitter sending out tweets to all her followers every few minutes saying I was sacrilegious, calling on me to repent, and wanting me to leave the priesthood.
Thanks, Kimberly, for reminding me of the video – I had seen it previously – but it was worth another view. I might repost it some time.
Ok, Bosco, I’m stealing this one and posting it myself! LOL
I’m sure someone will get their nose out of joint, but I bet God finds this one pretty funny!
Follow you on Twitter and saw there was a bit of a hullabaloo over this; seems some readers have not indulged the gift of humor our Creator endowed humans with…after all Issac’s name means laughter after Sarah really “laughed” about her being pregnant after menapuase! How many fellowships are dwindling because the youth are not being reached with contemporary methods! STAY in the priesthood…God needs good humor shepherds of his flocks Catholic and non-Catholic!