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NZ Lectionary

Anglican Church of Or Lectionary

NZ Lectionary

On Sunday in the Anglican Church of Or the suggested liturgical colour (Lectionary PDF) is Green or Red or White or Violet.

If you are celebrating Eucharist in the Anglican Church of Or the suggested Gospel readings are Mark 12:38-44 or Matt 5:1-12 or John 14:23-29 or John 15:9-17 or John 16:23a-end. Each is provided with a variety of other readings. Trust me, I’ve got a Maths degree, there are 615 options so far. Then there is the option of celebrating the Feast of Christ in All Creation. Good luck finding the reading options for that! If you are not celebrating Eucharist… Oh dear, I’m losing count…

For those wishing to keep faith with the lectionary of the Anglican Church of Or, here are vestment suggestions:







source of images

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12 thoughts on “Anglican Church of Or Lectionary”

  1. Hey, that bright-coloured tea cosy looks great. Where can I get one to replace my boring white-with-blue-swirls-and-tea-stains?

    If it’s any consolation, the Lutheran Church is also firmly established in Or. Though not quite as firmly as you lot, by the looks of it.

  2. Robert Voorwinde

    Puts a new spin on ‘the coat of many colours’ Simply love the gear, it is refreshing ocasionally to see the joy of colour.

  3. I think this Sunday allowing the use of a multitude of liturgical colors is the Church’s excuse to use all the mismatched altar hangings and vestments that a parish has collected over the years. White altar frontal with green chausable, violet pulpit frontal, and red lectern frontal? Sure, here’s the chance to show off all the mismatches languishing in the sacristy cabinets and cupboards.

  4. “Moreover, the number and hardness of the Rules called the Pie, and the manifold changings of the service, was the cause, that to turn the Book only, was so hard and intricate a matter, that many times, there was more business to find out what should be read, than to read it when it was found out”
    -Preface to the First Book of Common Prayer (1549)

    My project as Advent approaches is to add a couple of “how-to” videos to my blog, to help demystify the lectionary and the Daily Office. Perhaps I, too, should share wacky vestments as an inspiration to the faithful flock.

  5. Hah! Then of course there’ll be the folks who are observing Remembrance Day in the old fashioned way, with Morning Prayer, an Act of Remembrance, and priest in cassock, surplice, scarf, hood, and military medals!

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