OK, so it’s a viral advertising campaign by a mobile phone company. Less than one minute.
“Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?”!
And in our (newish) context: Why should the Devil have all the best viral videos? Why should the Devil have all the best social media? Why should the Devil have all the best memes?
So where are the church’s cool videos, social media success stories…?
I think this Anglican wedding flashmob is a good recent example of a viral video from a church:
Also this video from Washington National Cathedral went viral on the day of the news of marriage equality in the US: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151659440407552
I put a few more in this blog post: http://episcopalshare.wordpress.com/2013/06/29/weekly-roundup-viral-videos-tips-commentary-and-more/
Thanks, Laura. I’ve put up the wedding video here previously; I like the Hot Mass. Blessings.