Some wonderful more wonderful videos on the face of Christ

Some wonderful more wonderful videos on the face of Christ
Appropriately on the feast day of St Benedict (for a blog interested in monasticism and liturgy)
The Anglican bishops meeting for the Lambeth Conference are following a consultative process called Indaba. This is reminiscent of Benedictine and other styles of meeting.
This Sunday, 27 July, Roman Catholics and Episcopalians and others will essentially pray the same prayer.
July 25 1968 Pope Paul VI published his Encyclical letter Humanae Vitae. His commissions, set up in response to the development of oral contraceptives in…
Lambeth Bible Study with Joanna Clegg A famous poet representing the other party (Alexander Pope), once said ‘know thyself, presume not God to scan; the…
Interesting thread – I’ll be confirmed on Holy Saturday and have chosen Veronica as my saint’s name; she is believed to have wiped Jesus’ face on his way to Calvary and the image of his face is believed to have been left on the cloth, the ‘true image’ of Christ (‘vera icon’ – link to the name Veronica). I love the idea that it is an act of compassion that most faithfully captures the image of Christ.
Amazing artwork very interesting, thought and prayer provoking. Thanks for sharing on Twitter.
Amazing videos. Christ has had, has and is going to have quite a few different faces over time. Lets just hope the future faces of Christ are going to be recognised and taken seriously.
P.S. Your blog is amazing, and very informative. I hope you will have time and enjoyment of doing this for a long time.