We have been praying the following prayer together for at least 13 centuries. Whilst it is still used in the RC Extraordinary Form, I have been unable to find it in the Ordinary Form (help me?).
You can read more about it in the commentary: Collect for Lent 3
Let us pray (in silence) [that the more we see that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves, the more we may be drawn closer to God]
the source of all our strength;
watch over us within and without,
that in body we may be protected from all adversity,
and in mind cleansed from all destructive thoughts;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ,
who is alive with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Resources beyond this website (you can add others in the comments section below):
Resourcing Preaching DownUnder
Girardian Reflection on the Lectionary
Could you recommend to me a source where I can find proper prefaces for each Sunday
Lakshman, I do not know what your tradition is or the format for the Eucharistic Prayer you use into which you wish to insert a proper preface – do you mean the sort of preface found, say, in the Book of Alternative Services? Blessings.