I am regularly asked if there is a PDF version of A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa. I am delighted that Matua Ben Ong (The Rev’d Dr Ben Ong) has put in huge mahi and produced this PDF. This means you can search the text, you can have it on your phone to use without being online, etc.
Download the PDF by clicking this link.
The text that Ben uses as a basis is the 2020 online version called A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa [NZPB2020]. This book has a different status to the original (and revised by General Synod Te Hinota Whanui from time to time) A New Zealand Prayer Book He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa as the 2020 text is a combination of formularies and translations of formularies, etc. (a translation of a formulary is, obviously, itself not a formulary). As part of the process of passing a motion to revise the introductory material to the Prayer Book at our Christchurch diocesan synod, a letter was sent seeking clarification about the 2020 text – perhaps we shall hear more about that at this year’s diocesan synod. [If this interests you, follow threads from here].
If searching is your use of the PDF, you can also search the website (and any website similarly) using the following approach:
In your browser, if you are searching, for example for the word “Blessing” in NZPB2020:
1. Go to Google.com
2. Put the following into the search box:
site:https://anglicanprayerbook.nz Blessing

If you are searching online for a specific string of words, [eg. “The blessing of God”], put what you are searching for in quotation marks, and place that after the space following the website’s URL:
site:https://anglicanprayerbook.nz “The blessing of God”
When publishing from the New Zealand Prayer Book (and also from this site!), it hardly needs to be said that acknowledgement is the norm.
As well as this blog post announcing the new PDF, I will produce a permanent Page on the Prayer Book. I conclude with thanks again (and from many others also) to Ben for producing this. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe!
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Thank you for making this liturgical resource available!
Great that you find it useful, Shruti – I’ve already had other messages of appreciation. Easter Season blessings.