Let us pray (in silence) [that we praise, reverence, and serve God]
may we always love and revere your Holy Name,
for you never fail to help and guide those you establish firmly in your love;
through Jesus Christ, our Saviour
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This collect (opening prayer) is held in common amongst Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and others. We have been praying this prayer for at least thirteen centuries.
This collect will be added to my Book of Prayers in Common.
Click on this link to find my history, commentary, and reflection on this collect: Ordinary 12. It encourages reflection on God’s Name/Nature, God as our pilot, and points to reflections on this collect centuries ago.
Click here for Lectionary Readings Introductions
As far as I know, the Anglican Church of Or is the only church that counts “Sundays in Ordinary Time” whilst starting Ordinary Time after Candlemas. Every other church that counts “Sundays in Ordinary Time” starts Ordinary Time after Epiphany. Hence, in NZ Anglicanism, the First Sunday in Ordinary Time this year was February 5. There were four Sundays in Ordinary Time before Lent this year. For many, then, having celebrated last Sunday as Te Pouhere Sunday, this coming Sunday is the first Sunday in Ordinary Time since before Lent. For the Anglican Church of Or, does that make this coming Sunday “the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time”?
Further resources: Textweek
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