For as long as I can remember, I have reflected by looking back over a year, and normally I would write this up for myself – what happened, what did I achieve (in different categories: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, social), where did I find God? Many people (I do this) also write an annual “Christmas letter” to friends and family – with key moments in the year just past. One of the things I did while walking the Camino was prayerfully reflecting year-by-year through my life.
I’ve been reading about “Reverse Bucket Lists” – a “Bucket List” being a list of things one hopes to do before one “kicks the bucket”, dies. A “Reverse Bucket List” is a list of special things that you have already achieved. A Reverse Bucket List is much part of the popular Mindfulness movement, Positive Psychology, and so forth. The idea is that making a Reverse Bucket List leads to higher gratitude, increases happiness, and helps one feel more fulfilled. [The Bucket List, focusing on what one hasn’t done, can increase a sense of disappointment, failure, FOMO, envy…]
The daily exercise of the Ignatian Examen can be adapted to reflect on a year, not just a day. And I note: it’s not at all too late to reflect on the past year.
Here, with permission, is an adaptation by Adapted by Rev. Dr Anne Shave which she drew from a prayer adapted by Debra Mooney from the XU Center for Mission and Identity’s Daily Examen:
St. Ignatius of Loyola’s prayer of Examen provides us with a simple structure to follow as we seek to discern the presence of God in our daily experience. There are various versions of the prayer, usually (but not always) with five steps.
- Become aware of God’s presence.
- Review the day with gratitude.
- Pay attention to your emotions.
- Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
- Look toward tomorrow.
If this form of prayer is unfamiliar to you, you may find an audio guide to the Examen both interesting and helpful. The Pray as You Go App or internet site provides some examples: https://pray-as-you-go.org/series/3-Examen+Prayer
The Examen is often prayed daily or weekly. The following version of the prayer, though, is designed to be prayed as the year draws to a close and a new one begins. Perhaps you might like to set aside some time during the next week or two for this (or some other) form of prayerful reflection?
Be still. Become aware of God’s presence. Ask God to bring clarity and understanding.
As I look back over the past 12 months, for what am I especially grateful?
An event that took place?
Courage that I mustered?
Love and support I received and/or was able to offer?
Something that I accomplished?
What else? Be open to little things you may have overlookedI ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees me.
Where have I felt true joy this year?
What troubled me this year?
What has challenged me?
Where and when did I find an opportunity for renewal and pause?
What (if anything) has helped me to notice God’s presence in any of this?In light of my review, what is my response to God?
As I look ahead to the coming months, what comes to mind?
What am I looking forward to?
What do I anticipate might be difficult?
With what spirit do I want to enter the next year?I ask for God’s grace. And then I spend some time in silence.
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