There are a number of versions of this online, this is the best quality one I found, I think. Here is another version. And another.

There are a number of versions of this online, this is the best quality one I found, I think. Here is another version. And another.
There’s another version with the lyrics at:
Thanks, Imogen – I looked for the lyrics but hadn’t been able to find them.
That’s pretty darn funny! They probably have some existential post modern operas or something, though.
Cute, but this is just a knock-off of the “Buddha song” by the Imperials from the 1970’s…
The main difference is that the Imperials had it right … and Steve, well, will be in for a big surprise at the end.
I’m not sure how this in any way is a knock-off, Andrew, of your clip, either in lyrics or tune, nor am I quite sure that you’ve seen Steve’s humour 🙂
Hi Bosco,
Sorry. Was a little to obtuse (thought the connection to the similar styles of music would have been obvious, but I was wrong). Interesting that the group Steve’s singing with used a Southern Gospel-like sound to their song. If they were going to be truly different, shouldn’t they have used another style of music?
By “knock-off” I meant that the atheist song raises questions about other people’s beliefs (as does the Imperial’s song, which is as funny and thought provoking as the other one) … and, I do enjoy and like Steve and get his humor … just drawing a parallel between similar kinds of music.
PS By the way, there can be no true “atheists,” because by definition for someone to state categorically that there is no God, then they would have to possess ALL of the knowledge in the universe in order to be able to prove that … so far, I’ve not met anyone living today that would claim that they have ALL knowledge…
Like I said, cute song …
Thanks for the clarification, Andrew. You may have been following the discussion on the “man created God” thread. Yes, I think you are right. I think there needs to be a far clearer graduation of beliefs:
*believe there is no God
*does not believe in God
*does not believe in God (belief in the sense of – have a trust relationship with)
*believes it is not possible to know either way
*does not know
*isn’t interested
Steve’s song is nothing like Oh Buddha! The Imperials are stating most definitely that they are right and have all the answers. Steve at no time in his song says atheists are right…he just has clever lyrics pointing out all the different musical religious genres.
Additionally it makes perfect sense that the song is in a hymn style, since he is writing a humorous parody!