There are different ways that people choose and use to keep in touch with this community. And thank you to all of you for the way we do form community in this digital worship and spirituality space.
Over 7,000 people like the Liturgy facebook page. With sharing, posts there sometimes reach a quarter of a million people.
Over 74,000 people follow the Liturgy twitter profile.
Over 300 people use the RSS Feed.
At the bottom of each post (below the comment box) you can get a notification of followup comments, and also subscribe without commenting.
I have a pinterest page. Yes, with so much of liturgy being visual, I really should do more with that.
I have irregularly sent out an email with a brief newsletter. I am going to try to be better with that. So, if you didn’t receive an email in the last few days, you will notice there’s now a signup box on the right hand side of this site. You can, of course, unsubscribe at any stage, and this new way will make things work even better. So if you haven’t received the email newsletter and would like to sign up for the next one, do fill in this form:
Excellent. Keep the good work up!
Br G-M.