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Salvador Dali - Ascension


Salvador Dali - Ascension

Some people snuff out the Easter Candle today, Ascension Day, concluding the Easter Season today.

Don’t!!! The Easter Candle is lit through the Day of Pentecost.

It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty to react to such silliness with wrath, rage, and all the other responses that have been part of discussions on this site for the last week.

Easter is fifty days. Count them: 50. Get used to it!

Some people start randomly changing the Easter Season colour (to Red – using White for a saint’s day, not for the resurrection!) It is still Easter!

Don’t!!! The colour until the Day of Pentecost is White.

It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty to react to such silliness with wrath, rage, and all the other responses that have been part of discussions on this site for the last week.

Easter is fifty days. Count them: 50.

In the Southern Hemisphere (but not the Northern Hemisphere) this is the beginning of praying for Christian Unity until the Day of Pentecost. One day, we pray, Christians will be so united that they can even agree in which week to pray for Christian Unity.

image: Ascension of Christ by Salvador Dali. 1958.

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3 thoughts on “Ascension”

  1. Before I had seen Bro David’s response (above) I intended to write something similar: I find this image very disturbing. In particular, the grasping hands… What does that image do to our heart? Our soul? Our mind and emotions?

    Hands like that resonate in our brains. We have neurons called “mirror neurons” which “fire” in such a way that our minds visualize ourselves doing the same movement we are seeing. Do that movement a moment (click on the image to enlarge it first). Then ask yourself how that makes you feel.

    Very disturbing image.

    Peace to all. Our family needs prayers: Mr. TheraP is facing a diagnosis of a lung disease – after he’s already had 5 major surgeries (heart surgery, prostate removal and more) but is now facing another one just to find out what’s going on with the tissue in his lungs. (He’s already had a CT of the chest and pulmonary function tests, so we know already it’s a type of “pneumonia” which can’t be cured as it’s neither bacterial, nor viral – but due to collagen interfering with his breathing deeply.)

    On the God is good side, we’ve been on a waiting list for a retirement community – with a lovely, serene chapel (with moveable chairs and even a moveable altar, etc. – which might please Bosco like it pleases us). And a suitable roomy apartment showed up just in the nick of time for us – literally one day prior to the diagnosis! The Lord provides!

    1. Thanks and prayers, TheraP.

      [You may have noticed I’ve had, this last week, to remind people of comment standards for this site. People have commented here who have not previously. I remind new participants in this community to just use your ordinary name. There are particular reasons why I allow individuals known to me to use a pseudonym – the reason being known to me also.]


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