I am absolutely delighted to announce that my friend, regular commenter here, member of the Board of the school where I serve, fellow blogger, Peter Carrell has been announced to become the Ninth Anglican Bishop of Christchurch.
The Venerable Dr Peter Carrell (born 1959, deacon 1986, priest 1987) is Director of Theology House and Director of Education for the Diocese of Christchurch. He has also previously been the Archdeacon for South Canterbury (2014–18) and Mid Canterbury (2015–18). He has served as a parish priest and as a theological educator in the Diocese of Nelson. His doctorate is in New Testament studies (Durham) and he has taught biblical studies for the University of Otago, St John’s College (Auckland), Laidlaw College, and Seminari Theoloji Malaysia.
Peter is married to Teresa, and they have four adult children.
Peter’s blog is Anglican Down Under. He is also on twitter: @petercarrell
Peter has a pastoral heart, an incisive intellect, and a dry sense of humour.
He takes on the leadership of our diocese at a difficult time in our city, region, and Church. He and Teresa, and our diocese and Church, are in my prayers. I ask that you who gather here pray also.
Further information
and further information
and a video
He’ll be great in the job!
wow, neat! Thank-you Bosco for that information.
blessing Ruth
Congratuulstion Peter on becoming our new Bishop
Wonderful news
REV Eunice Penman Marchwel ķ
The news is a bit of a shock, I hadn’t heard that he had been nominated.
Does this mean that Dio Christchurch is in for a more conservative future? I know that +Victoria was pretty conservative, is Peter more so or less?
Congrats to the bishop-elect. God grant him grace.
Thanks, David.
Our system does not have public nominations – so your not hearing it previously is not surprising.
I’m not sure that there is a (simple) single liberal____conservative axis. Our Church is having some readjustment after the passing of allowing bishops to authorise individual priests to bless committed same-sex couples – our diocese has, arguably, been the most affected, with significant numbers of congregations and clergy disaffiliating. How that affects the texture of our diocese remains to be seen. Peter is certainly very attuned to the diverse bunch that we are. Blessings.
We are pleased and proud to welcome Peter as our new bishop..All support offered.
Great news!
This is wonderful evidence that Christchurch Diocese continues to value our Anglican notion of Fides et Ratio.
Peter is a blessing, not only to the people of the See of Christchurch but to all thinking Christians in New Zealand.
Excellent news! Many blessings to Peter and his family, and I will be keeping him and the whole diocese in prayer.
I would be hard pressed to label Peter “liberal” or “conservative”. What I know is that he is open, fair and accepting of difference. He listens well and has a better grasp than most of the difficulties facing the church. He is able, hard working and is very congenial company. He is a man of integrity and faith: what more could you ask for?
In offering my congratulations to (soon to be +) Peter on your blog, Bosco; I hope his elevation to the episcopate will not prevent him from keeping us all on our theological toes on A.D.U.
Considering that Christchurch has always been considered (by my former colleaugues in Auckland) to hold middle of the road Evangelical leanings, I can see why Peter was elected to be our Bishop.
In conversation with Peter, personally and on his blog, ADU, I have always found him open to other opinions than those of his own secure Evangelical background – with a marked humility and gravitas that will serve him well in his new sphere of influence – in the diocese and the Province.
Prayers for Peter and his family for the future.
Thank you all for encouraging comments!
It is a privilege to be called to a ministry of oversight of the Chch Dio.
Your prayers are especially coveted.
‘It is a privilege to be called’
yes it is, and to acknowledge that means you will be a great Jesus representative, of course you should know I have considered Bosco my mentor on these matters for many years and anyone he endorses gets my wholehearted approval, so doubly : congratulations.
Now get to work on dividing gay and abusive goats and sheep….people don’t always know ( or want to know ) the difference.
: )
This is great news indeed. There is much to do – not much “honeymoon” period unfortunately.
God bless.
hi im a decon at mccc of marana im alie
will you vist our church mcc church of marana az if so please contact paster nacho or pastor dave
Had the privilege to attend a local service in the community recently, where Bishop Peter lead. A wonderful down to earth couple, who are quietly getting on with the task. Thank you. Blessing Ruth