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Search Results for: psalms

Gospels Sml

Year B

Following yesterday’s post, and the helpful comment, I thought (in the digital practice of “Throwback Thursday” but for Year B rather than C) to adapt a previous blog post. The church’s new year begins on Advent Sunday, December 3. In the three year lectionary, the focus is on St Mark’s Gospel. In your community, and

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Pray Together Sml

Daily Prayer

I pray Daily Prayer. It is also called the Divine Office, the Breviary, the Liturgy of the Hours, Morning and Evening Prayer, Matins and Evensong, and Compline, Lauds, Vespers, and so on and so on… This discipline of praying psalms, reading a passage(s) from the scriptures, and interceding and giving thanks… this discipline that is

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Rogation Days Sml

Rogation Days

I have written previously that intense prayer, reflection, and action in regard to our relationship with the environment are needed now more than ever. Revival of re-imaged, contemporary, contextual Rogation practices could be part of that. Rogation (from the Latin rogare ‘ask’) is a solemn supplication. Rogation days appear to go back to about the

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Carthusian Rosary


October 7 was the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, and October is, traditionally, the month of the Rosary. The 150 recitations of the Hail Mary was, obviously, connected to the monastic praying of the 150 psalms (especially for those without books or who could not read). The recent addition of another 50 Hail

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