Let us pray (in silence) [that the message of God coming to save us may transform our lives]
Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, [or Pour forth, we beseech you, O God,]
your grace into our hearts,
that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ your Son
was made known by the message of an angel,
may, by his passion and cross,
be brought to the glory of his resurrection,
through Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
This is part of my collects with history and commentary.
This collect has been with us at least since the 8th century Hadrianum. It is in the Sarum Missal, the Book of Common Prayer, the 1962 Missal, and the Roman Rite after Vatican II. It is one of the well-known collects that has been sadly abandoned by the NZ Anglican Prayer Book.
Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine,
mentibus nostris infunde,
ut qui, Angelo nuntiante,
Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus,
per passionem eius et crucem
ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur.
It is well-known by those of us who pray the Angelus.
You can read more of the history and my reflection on this collect here
My introduction to the lectionary readings.
The NZ Lectionary booklet has O Sapientia in italics on 17 December. I wonder how many people reading that know what it refers to? There is no further mention of any of the other great O Antiphons. There is a lot on this site on these wonderful antiphons – the search box on the top right, as always, is the friend of those who want to explore. And the liturgy facebook page keeps you up to date, day by day.
December 17: O Sapientia (O Wisdom)
December 18: O Adonai (O Lord)
December 19: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)
December 20: O Clavis David (O Key of David)
December 21: O Oriens (O Dayspring)
December 22: O Rex Gentium (O King of the nations)
December 23: O Emmanuel (O With Us is God)
The first letters taken backwards form a Latin acrostic “ero cras” – Latin for “Tomorrow, I will come”.
There was an alternative English medieval practice of moving all of the antiphons forward by one day (commencing on 16 December) and adding an eighth antiphon, O Virgo virginum (O Virgin of virgins), on 23 December, (the acrostic became Vero cras, “truly, tomorrow”). This was followed in the CofE, but has been abandoned in its Common Worship. NZ Anglicanism followed this – the last year being 1990. Then it had several years of no mention of these Antiphons. In 1999 its lectionary booklet began following the more common practice.
Original, Southern Hemisphere Advent collects
An outline example and resources for an Advent Eucharist
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere
O Antiphons chants
Off this site:
Resources for Preaching Down Under
Girardian reflections on the lectionary
In the comments below, please continue adding quality Advent resources and ideas.
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image: Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 1859-1937. Annunciation, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.