The secret can finally be revealed: the Easter Bunny is not only Anglican, but actually a primate of the Anglican Communion: Archbishop Martin de Jesus Barahona, primate of the Anglican Church in Central America. h/t Fr Scott Gunn

The secret can finally be revealed: the Easter Bunny is not only Anglican, but actually a primate of the Anglican Communion: Archbishop Martin de Jesus Barahona, primate of the Anglican Church in Central America. h/t Fr Scott Gunn
Thanks for a little funny-bunny Easter humor. I’m trying to picture our bishop so dressed.
In the news –
Su Excelencia el Reverendisimo Martín de Jesus Barahona, obispo primado de la Iglesia Anglicana de la Región Central de América y obispo diocesano de El Salvador, suffered an assignation attempt a few weeks ago. He was unharmed, but his driver, who has survived, was hit by gunfire.
BTW, he is not styled an Archbishop, but is a Presiding Bishop, as is the primate of Mexico and, despite United Statesonian Orthodite protestations otherwise, is also the primate of the Southern Cone. The primates of Canada and the West Indies are styled Archbishops.
The Anglican Church of the Central American Region met in General Synod this week and has a new primate-elect, the Rt Revd Armando Guerra, bishop ordinary of the Diocese of Guatemala.
Padre Mickey, TEC missionary to the Diocese of Panamá has photos on his website;
What a charming photograph, however do you find the time to pick out these delightful stories?
Ummm – I find giving up sleep really helps, Vincent. It increases the amount of time I have by 50%. I read once that scientists don’t understand the purpose of sleep. And I believe everything I read. And so if scientists don’t know the purpose of it – then why should I bother with it.
Thanks David for that information. May we all keep them in our prayers.
Strangely, I am quite comforted by that picture 🙂