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the Pike River miners

Update November 23

A Prayer from the NZ Prayer Book

In darkness and in light,
in trouble and in joy,
help us, heavenly Father,
to trust your love,
to serve your purpose,
and to praise your name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The original post:

There is still no knowledge of, information about, the 29 miners at Pike River mine after the explosion two days ago. Drilling a shaft has begun. It is still not safe to send in rescuers.

This morning at our service, we prayed for the miners, families, friends, authorities, rescuers, all involved, just as people were doing all around New Zealand, and I know, people have informed me, they have been doing all over the world, individually and together.

This is a facebook page has been set up to express support.

Some are changing their facebook profile picture to a candle in support of the miners trapped underground at Pike River; some with an explanatory status update.

Don’t forget the virtual chapel on this site where you can light a candle.

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14 thoughts on “the Pike River miners”

  1. Thank you for your support Fr Bosco. Could you especially remember our young people who are finding this situation very difficult to cope with.

    1. They are in my thoughts and prayers, Barry. And also, I’m sure of those young people I was with this morning. All the young people I am with tomorrow will pray for all together again tomorrow.

  2. Dear Lord, if it be your will, please help the rescuersfind and rescue the miners in NewZealand. May all glory go to You. May the family members of the miners find comfort in You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  3. Father, your spirit is even in the dark places of the earth. We know that You are with these men and we pray they will feel Your comfort, Your spirit and Your peace. We pray for wisdom for those searching for them and we ask for a successful rescue. Be with the families of these men and may they find comfort in You. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

  4. A list of the names of the miners.

    A message from the Archbishops:

    Every parish in the Anglican and wider Christian community will already be praying for the miners and families caught up in the West Coast mining crisis, and for the people working so hard to respond to that crisis.

    People everywhere will be holding in their hearts those closest to the emergency and praying that every help can be brought to bear, and that those so willing to help will have the opportunity to do so.

    We pray especially for gas levels to lower so rescue teams can enter the mine, and we pray for Marge Tefft, Robin Kingston, Tim Mora, John and Dawn Stringer in our own church, as they minister to affected people.

    All of Aotearoa New Zealand, as well as people right around the world, will be focussing their hopes and prayers on the people of the West Coast at this time.

    Archbishop David Moxon, Senior Bishop of the New Zealand dioceses;

    Archbishop Brown Turei, Pihopa o Aotearoa;

    Archbishop Winston Halapua, Bishop of the Diocese of Polynesia.

    Explanatory note:

    The Pike River Mine lies near the intersection of three parishes in the Diocese of Nelson, and the priests named are each providing pastoral support to miner’s families who live in their areas.

    Marg Tefft is the Vicar of Greymouth and Kumara, and Robin Kingston is Assistant Priest of that parish, as well as Archdeacon and Vicar General for the Diocese of Nelson;

    Tim Mora is Priest in Charge of Cobden-Runanga and Regional Dean of Mawhera;

    And John and Dawn Stringer are Priests at Reefton and Grey Valley.

    The Archbishops’ statement has also been posted to the Anglican Taonga website ([ http://www.anglicantaonga.org.nz ]www.anglicantaonga.org.nz ), along with a number of photos from last evening’s special service at Holy Trinity Greymouth.

    The Taonga site will also continue to be updated as the crisis unfolds.

  5. Praying for those miners & the families. Can’t believe this has happened so hot on the heels of the Chilean mining disaster. Will light a candle.

  6. pls pray 4 Samuel Makay. He is 1 of the men trapped in the
    West coast mine. He is only 23 yrs the only son of our friend
    Beth, Nephew of our friend Mark. pls pray 4 Mark, Beth other miners &
    families. Pls pray 4 a miracle that the miners come out alive. I’m really upset bout Sam. being a mother I have an idea of what pai…n Beth must be in. can u ask other christains 2 pray also . want as many people praying as pos

  7. The Greymouth Ministers’ Fraternal is broadcasting a request to people in churches throughout New Zealand and around the world to pray for the West Coast community as it deals with the Pike River coalmine crisis.

    On behalf of our community, we request prayer for the following:

    * For the families of those underground. For the Holy Spirit to come and bring comfort and peace to individuals and families, to ease their anxiety, to enable them to persist in patience. To seek out help and support as and when they need it and not to give up hope.

    * For those directly involved in the rescue for wisdom in their decision making in the way they go about the rescue, support the families, handle the media and so on. May they be ready to listen, consult and work well together and that they too are supported.
    * That God’s people will follow the leading of God’s spirit in offering comfort, care and support to those in need.
    * For things beyond human control for example for a supernatural reduction in gas levels, for a barometric high to develop over the area, for mist and wind to reduce to enable safer flying for the helicopters, and so on.
    * For the media that they will be a compassionate and gentle in their quest for information. Not intrusive and invasive. To see the people and not just the story.
    * Pray for the pastors and clergy of the community, for wisdom in handling the media, sensitivity and compassion in dealing with families and strength for the duration. Pray especially for Rev. Tim Mora chairperson of the Greymouth Ministers Association, and for all the clergy of every denomination who are ministering in the region.

    (For the Anglican Church, these clergy are Tim Mora, the Priest in Charge of Cobden-Runanga and Regional Dean of Mawhera; the Revs Marge Tefft and Robin Kingston – Marge is the Vicar of Greymouth and Kumara, and Robin is Assistant Priest of that parish, as well as Archdeacon and Vicar General for the Diocese of Nelson – and John and Dawn Stringer are priests at Reefton and Grey Valley.)
    * Pray for those struggling emotionally, for those with survivor guilt, unresolved and now re-opened grief from previous mining tragedies and for those providing counselling and comfort.
    * And to pray for those trapped underground. Assuming that they are alive and together that they would support and sustain each other and make wise decisions of their own around survival and if they have not survived to begin preparing the hearts of families for the worst. That they will be surrounded by those who can support them if and when news of the worst kind finally comes.


    It did not work,
    yet, we have prayed.
    Now, Lord, help their families
    to manage mad frustration;
    to cope with tragedy;
    to cherish memories unforgettable;
    to let us all remember
    that every time someone wears a jewel
    or lights a bulb,
    there is a miner down there
    extricating the precious or coarse stone
    from the rock;
    that diamonds, rubies, emeralds,
    silver and gold,
    even bleak coal
    reflect the luster of the heroes soul.
    It did not work.
    We have prayed, indeed,
    but Nature , thus covetousness
    can prayers overcome!

    By g.riveros

    © 2010 g.riveros (All rights reserved)

  9. I am so reminded of Romans 5:3&4. The Greek word for character is Dokime and it means literaly metal that has been purged by fire. We don’t like to suffer and it is so hard to be with others who are suffering. But that is where we are “proven”. Can we sit and be present to all the pain. I believe God can and does and so can we. I so respect Tim Mora having the balls in our increasingly secular society to put his faith in such a steady and real way. Right there on the edge of mystery,faith, anger, tears he is walking the narroa path.

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