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This year here

Picture 9

The image above shows the number of visitors to this site over the last four years. In the last month, the average has been 1,500 visitors a day, with about 250 of those daily being regulars here.

Top stories this year were communion on the moon and the end of the Anglican communion, with more than seven thousand visitors each. About half of those arriving here are looking for specific information. Very popular is information about praying the Liturgy of the Hours. The Virtual Chapel is a top resource. The free online-version of my book Celebrating Eucharist also continues to be ranking near the top of the more than 2,000 pages of this site. There was also high interest in Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Easter resources, and, of course, recently Advent and Christmas. The blog is regularly a top landing page. I am interested that only about 5% of visitors come directly from Twitter (with more than 42,000 followers there, I might have expected a higher proportion) – but it is difficult to tell if once found, if people then go directly to this site. Similarly for facebook – only about 1% of visitors come from facebook.

Over 10,000 messages have been filtered out by the spam filter (sorry if your appropriate, un-anonymous, good comment got caught up in that – see the comments policy).

This site is produced by one person, in my spare time, any costs come out of my pocket, I learn to use all the software, I’m grateful for hints and help from friends – but anything that doesn’t work – is my fault 🙂 I’m grateful for your enthusiasm and encouragement – that you find the material useful and visit here and place links on your own site and encourage others to visit encourages me to continue putting effort into this site. May God bless us all as we, in the Year of Our Lord 2010, grow in union with God together.

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9 thoughts on “This year here”

  1. I click almost all links from Twitter, but come via tweetdeck on my laptop or twitterific on ny phone. Perhaps those aren’t recording as from Twitter?

  2. As one of the frequent returnees, may I wish you everything of the best for this holiday season and many grateful thanks for the hard work that goes into making this site so valuable.

    Sally D
    South Africa

  3. I follow you on Twitter and through Facebook (how I found you), but frequently just surf in from the web.

    Thank you greatly Fr. Bosco for this little piece of Heaven here on the web.

    Best wishes for a blessed Christmastide, and a wonderful New Year.


  4. It’s easy to pray for far off places and far off people, but loving who you live and work with is a challenge. I’ve been trying to see my life as a mission field, not just this trip. And it’s been a blessing to see the way God has used this new approach to everything from the way I tip at restaurants to the way I treat people in traffic. But now, it’s time to take the things I’ve learned to a new longitude and latitude. Keep up the good work, brother and we will be following forever!

  5. You’ve been hitting our radar for most of the second half of 2009 as we accumulate the blog stats for our monthly listing of the top 10 Christian blogs in New Zealand.

    As we only list Christian blogs with content that at least vaguely demonstrates adherence to the historic Christian tradition in their blog content, we no longer rely on the claim to be a Christian blog, we now pay more attention to the content of a wider range of NZ christian blogs and we are not surprised that yours is doing well; your content is good, it is relevant and easy to read and interesting.

    A suggestion, contact Tim Selwyn of the blog NZ Blogosphere http://nzblogosphere.blogspot.com – his contact details are at his site and ask to be listed in his blog rankings. At the moment we are guestimating your score on his rankings.

  6. I stumbled across your website in doing some reading on “alternative worship” and the utilization of the liturgy in the emerging church. I’ve come back on occasion because you have some great insights.

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