I was ordained a priest by Bishop David Coles in Christchurch Cathedral on 27 November 1991. On Advent Sunday (27 November 2016), twenty-five years on, I am grateful that the local parish, St Michael and All Angels, has invited me to preside and preach at the 10am Solemn Mass. [You are, of course, very welcome. And if you can’t make it, do let’s keep each other in our prayers].
At my ordination, I was presented by my training vicar, Canon Craufurd Murray. He is currently Priest-in-charge of St Michael’s (the vicar, Fr Andrew Starky, is on study leave).
I served my title as curate in the Parish of Fendalton (St Barnabas and St Thomas churches). Then I served as vicar of Ellesmere for five years (with six churches). And, currently, I am in my nineteenth year as Chaplain of Christ’s College [which, on 27 November, has a 7pm Advent Carol Service].
This website, has, of course, been a significant part of my ministry. And I won’t list all the other components of my ministry (General Synod, Standing Committee, Conferences, Boards,…)
The church is a very different place, now. As is the world. And, then, there is much that has remained the same. I am grateful to my family and friends, to the many, many people who have been supportive, to all who have been part of my ministry, to you, and, of course, to God.

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I remember that day well, Bosco. May God continue to bless your ministry and may you have a great celebration! I will be holding you in prayer.
Congratulations, thou good and faithful servant! I have loved your website for many years. You are a blessing to your own parish but also to people all around the world. Thank you for sharing your ministry and your understanding of what it means to be faithful in today’s society. And, being somewhat of a worship nerd, I LOVE your liturgies and explanations. The prayers you share are so heartfelt. Thank you for being open to the rest of us out here. Christy Kimball
Congratulations and many blessings in your ministry.
Congratulations Bosco,its a shame both Heather and I are not still living in Christchurch.Other wise you both could have celebrated together as you both were Priested together on the same day in the Cathedral. 25 years it sure travels fast.
Congratulations on the ‘pending’ significant anniversary of ministry as priest. May there be many more to come.
God’s continued blessing upon you Father Bosco.
God, who is the source of Life calls us to live fully;
God, who is the source of Love, calls us to love wastefully;
and God, who is the Ground of all Being calls us to be all that we can be.
– The Rt Revd John Shelby Song
Bosco, you look so young in that photo of your ordination as a priest 25 years ago, and I guess I look a lot younger too, complete with beard! It has been a great journey thus far, and I am sure there is still much more to offer and receive in ministry as “your road changes and turns” to quote the Pentecost Blessing.
Sorry I can’t be there with you on 27 November, but you will be upheld in prayer. Bishop David Coles
Well done. I won’t be there as duties in another part of town call. Lovely that you are re-united with your training vicar!
Ad multos laetissimosque annos, reverendissime ac carissime Pater!
‘Ad Multos Annos’. Congratulations, Bosco, on your 25th Anniverary of priesting. Interesting that your presenting priest at Ordination should be Father Craufurd, currently P.i.C. at St. Michael’s. Looking forward to your presiding and preaching for us at SMAA on The Day. Agape,
Congratulations Bosco. Well done!
Congratulations Bosco on your quarter century! Many blessings for the second quarter!
May God Bless you more in your Ministry and enjoyable website. Ad modulators annos.
Dr. Francis Wickremesinghe
Sri Lanka
Congratulations Bosco. What a faithful ministry with God and God’s people. May your continued servant-journey be filled with deep joy.
Congratulations, Bosco – I would dearly like to be present on that morning (27th) but duty calls elsewhere. May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry.