I am very conscious that we are a community gathered here. A virtual community. A spiritual community. From time to time there are landmarks here. The web-counter (at the bottom of each page) has just clicked over the 1,500,000th visitor to this site! It took about four years to get to a million visitors. It only took about a year to get the next half million.
When I looked at the graphs of the last five years, I only then discovered that the most page views in a day happened only last week. Maundy Thursday had 7,362 page views.
You can also see the recent gap where the site was down for some weeks after the Christchurch February 22 earthquake.
Another interesting piece of information is where people are who come here. So far this year:
USA 51%
UK 14%
Canada 7%
New Zealand 6%
Australia 5%
Philippines 4%
India 2%
Ireland 1%
South Africa 1%
Italy 1%
Malaysia 1%
Another 1181 countries/territories 7%
I add my congratulations.
Interesting review of the wedding. It prompted me to explore your blog — lots of interesting posts! Thanks.
I also blogged about the royal wedding and posted both the Scripture and Will and Kate’s prayer:
Ken Symes’ post: The Royal Wedding: The Scripture Reading and Prayer
Thanks, Ken, for your encouragement. I was interested in your point on your blog that NRSV is a translation sourced in USA. It is, of course, available using UK spelling, and I do not notice any particular “Americanisms” in it.
Congrats! I enjoy your blog very much and am proud to be one of the Americans who frequent this site. I thank you for making liturgy accessible to lay people like me and for the constant humo(u)r within your posts. It is edifying that the people who post here are well informed, sincere and kind to one another. Thank you all.
Thank you Matt for your encouragement – your description is exactly the sort of experience that I am hoping people find here, so your affirmation is certainly valued by me.