The Episcopal Church, through its Task Force on Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision has provide a plethora of liturgical resources here. You might find this page a better starting place.
Here is just one example of what is available: dividing the Year into 8 seasons (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent…), and the day into 8 intervals (following the Rule of Benedict), called Praise, Discernment, Wisdom, Perseverance and Renewal, Love, Forgiveness, Trust, and Watch. Try these daily resources here.
Nearly all of these resources are able to be used or adapted for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. For others of you, reading this post in your own context, you will have to discern how useful this is for your own situation. If you know of other online collections like this, do put them into the comments section below.
image: St Gregory of Nyssa, The Episcopal Church, San Francisco
It’s great that Daily Prayer for All Season’s, the link in your 2nd paragraph, is a downloadable pdf.
Too bad that it doesn’t have hyperlinks that let you click or tap something in the Table of Contents and go right to it!
Yes – a fascinating resource, David; and good point about the lack of hyperlinks. Easter Season Blessings.